Monday, January 28, 2013

A little bit of cleaning HEAVEN!

Since my last post was a RANT of sorts, I figured I would make this entry a RAVE of sorts. I will attempt to  keep things balanced between the positives and the negatives. It's a delicate balancing act, just like life! (Have no fear if you happen to enjoy my more negative next blog is going to be a doozy about the Kardashians...Watch out - HA!)

When my friends ask me, "Who cleans your house?"
"I do!" I always respond.
You should see the looks of horror sweep across their faces.

I strangely like cleaning the house.  I mean, not ALL the time. But for the vast majority of the time I actually find it rather relaxing. Plus, there is nothing I enjoy more than a tidy house. I think it helps me keep sane.  When things are messy, I find I get anxious and antsy. It's like a cluttered house clutters my brain. I am sure there are some OCD components to how I feel, but whatever. It's nothing I need to get medicated about, so I can deal with it. I figure there are worse things to be addicted to than a clean house!

Anyway, there is one device that has literally revolutionized my life and I thought it was worth sharing with you today.  I L-O-V-E the iRobot Romba! It's thorough vacuuming with less effort. We happen to have two Roombas. We keep one in our bedroom, and one downstairs.  The Roomba downstairs is the Pet-Series model that we have set on a timer so it runs every morning around 2am.  It's done and re-docked itself by 4am and I wake up to fresh vacuum lines everyday. All I have to do is clean out the filter every two days or so. It does carpet and hard surfaces. Easy-peasy!

The Roomba we keep in our room I will run sporadically as I see fit. Most the time, I will just turn it on when I leave the house to run errands. When I get back from running errands I have a beautifully vacuumed bedroom. And nothing makes this little woman feel better than house cleaning that gets completed while I am out getting other things done. That my friends is efficiency at its finest! 

Now the one drawback is they are rather expensive. I've seen them listed for as much as $699.99! I bought one of ours at Best Buy on sale (for around $300) and the other at Costco (for about $250), but both have been worth every penny.  It helps me not have to lug around my Dyson vacuum nearly as often. 

Anyway, if you have wondered about if these work, I am here to tell you they work really well and I would recommend to virtually everyone I know.  And if you still have doubts and you have a friend that owns one, I recommend borrowing theirs and giving it a try for yourself. I have yet to meet a person that doesn't love their iRobot Roomba!


  1. Beware of Bailey and the roomba...

  2. OMG JJ - that is hysterical!!! How strange is it that we had a blog about a similar topic with VERY different endings. Luckily, Bailey is completely potty-trained and the Roomba only runs when he is OUT of the house, or upstairs in our room with us. We've had the Roombas for a couple years and no incidents to date. But your friend's story is AMAZING!!! :)

  3. My MIL loves her Roomba. She named it Cinderella and she talks to it like it's a real person. I think I need one...
