Monday, January 28, 2013

A little bit of cleaning HEAVEN!

Since my last post was a RANT of sorts, I figured I would make this entry a RAVE of sorts. I will attempt to  keep things balanced between the positives and the negatives. It's a delicate balancing act, just like life! (Have no fear if you happen to enjoy my more negative next blog is going to be a doozy about the Kardashians...Watch out - HA!)

When my friends ask me, "Who cleans your house?"
"I do!" I always respond.
You should see the looks of horror sweep across their faces.

I strangely like cleaning the house.  I mean, not ALL the time. But for the vast majority of the time I actually find it rather relaxing. Plus, there is nothing I enjoy more than a tidy house. I think it helps me keep sane.  When things are messy, I find I get anxious and antsy. It's like a cluttered house clutters my brain. I am sure there are some OCD components to how I feel, but whatever. It's nothing I need to get medicated about, so I can deal with it. I figure there are worse things to be addicted to than a clean house!

Anyway, there is one device that has literally revolutionized my life and I thought it was worth sharing with you today.  I L-O-V-E the iRobot Romba! It's thorough vacuuming with less effort. We happen to have two Roombas. We keep one in our bedroom, and one downstairs.  The Roomba downstairs is the Pet-Series model that we have set on a timer so it runs every morning around 2am.  It's done and re-docked itself by 4am and I wake up to fresh vacuum lines everyday. All I have to do is clean out the filter every two days or so. It does carpet and hard surfaces. Easy-peasy!

The Roomba we keep in our room I will run sporadically as I see fit. Most the time, I will just turn it on when I leave the house to run errands. When I get back from running errands I have a beautifully vacuumed bedroom. And nothing makes this little woman feel better than house cleaning that gets completed while I am out getting other things done. That my friends is efficiency at its finest! 

Now the one drawback is they are rather expensive. I've seen them listed for as much as $699.99! I bought one of ours at Best Buy on sale (for around $300) and the other at Costco (for about $250), but both have been worth every penny.  It helps me not have to lug around my Dyson vacuum nearly as often. 

Anyway, if you have wondered about if these work, I am here to tell you they work really well and I would recommend to virtually everyone I know.  And if you still have doubts and you have a friend that owns one, I recommend borrowing theirs and giving it a try for yourself. I have yet to meet a person that doesn't love their iRobot Roomba!

Monday, January 14, 2013

WTF is up with the BABY ON BOARD signs?

Can we please discuss these "Baby On Board" signs?!?!  I suddenly am seeing these signs hanging in the back of cars at an increasing and alarming rate. Let me tell you why I have such issue with these confusing little signs:

1) It's NOT 1985!  Seriously, these signs were popular in the mid-80's and that is where they should stay...where they are just a funny pop-cultural reference we can all make fun of. 

2) I was about seven years old when these signs became popular.  I remember being confused at the age of seven as to the what the intended message of these signs were supposed to be communicating - just as I am as confused now. I suspect that these signs are to caution surrounding drivers that they should try and be extra safe while driving around the car of the person that has the "Baby On Board" sign displayed because their baby is considered to be precious cargo.  WTF?!?!  Have you ever driven around these people with these stupid sign on their cars?  In my experience they are the biggest a-holes on the road. I swear almost EVERY time I get cut off it's by one of these "Baby On Board" drivers.  So basically they want me to take caution driving around them, but they can drive like total lunatics? I am about one step away from taking pictures of these people's cars (license plate and all) and shaming them by posting them on my blog. Seriously, I know they think their child is the most important thing in the world, but I think I am precious cargo too and would prefer not to be killed by crazy mom/dad in their minivan! 

3) I recently discovered a friend of mine (who by request will remain unnamed) has one of these signs hanging in the back of her car. Friend, I love you....but I now think you are a crazy a-hole driver who instead of cautioning the rest of the world to drive safely around you and your child, should perhaps take a closer look at your own driving skills. I have a feeling that's where much of the danger on the road may be! (P.S. I still love you unnamed friend; however, the next time we go somewhere together, don't be offended when I insist on driving).

Has anybody else seen a strange resurgence in these signs and/or seeing similar driving from these "Baby On Board" people??? 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New TV is FINALLY back and I am especially excited for the new season of the The Biggest Loser. I love this show! I could watch people work out ALL day. No seriously, I feel like I somehow burn calories through osmosis (or something) just by watching these obese people get there asses kicked. And yes, I do realize that is not how things actually work, but a girl can dream, can't she???

I know and have known many people that get completely inspired by this television program. They spend their time during the commercials of the show doing sit-ups, push ups, lunges, etc.  Oh man, I wish this show caused that same sense of dedication to working out in me. Instead it creates the exact OPPOSITE reaction. I literally find myself saying things like:
"Wow! Those people are really obese. Things could be WAY worse for me. Let's order a pizza!"
"Sure I could probably eat better and exercise more, but look at these people. I mean these last few pounds I bitch about are really just vanity pounds. Want to go get ice cream?"

You probably think the above statements are exaggerated, or that perhaps I am kidding? Ask my husband, I have literally said those statements or say something similar  almost every time I watch a new episode. Which leads me to believe it would actually be beneficial to my health to STOP watching the show. Instead I guess I should be forced to watch a Victoria Secret Fashion Show over and over again.  Perhaps I need to compare myself to emaciated super models in order to get motivated because the super obese just aren't working for me!

OK, so back to the show...sort of. You know how by the end of the show the contestants look soooo much better, but they still are kind of flabby because their skin is all stretched out from being 400 pounds? Well I have an idea for a spin-off show. How about you take people that aren't obese, but could stand to lose some "vanity" pounds. Or maybe even do a show for women who want to get in shape after having a baby.  Either way, I think it would be amaze-fest to see a show where the people end up looking smoking hot. I mean, I realize that the voting stuff would need to be tweaked, but I think it would be fun to shake things up and see the trainers with people that aren't starting from such a deep hole of unhealthiness.  Not to mention, I would TOTALLY try out for that show. And I would TOTALLY pick Jillian as a trainer because she would HATE me so much. I am such a wuss, and I need her to kick my ass. Plus, my husband is mildly in love with Jillian (somebody besides me really needs to explain to him that she is gay and will never run off with him) so he would really enjoy watching Jillian make me cry!

In any event, I will continue to watch and love every glorious minute of the show even if my health suffers.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year - 2013!!!

I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very happy new year. I don't know about you, but I was ready to see 2012 come to a close. It was easily the most difficult year I have ever experienced in my life.  And even though it was a tough year (to say the least) I am still able to reflect on some of the good. So instead of looking at the bad, I want to take this opportunity to express the things I am most thankful for in the past year.

1) My PARENTS and IN-LAWS:  
I have to say it doesn't get much better than these two sets of people. They are by far the most loving, compassionate, understanding, and well-meaning people in my life. I thank my lucky stars for the foundation of support that these people provide and for giving me a great compass for how to love and be loved.

These three people are the people who easily had the biggest impact on me (and Decker) this year. All work at CHOC Hospital and their compassion and love for my son was above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined from health care professionals. I could literally write about these three people for pages and pages, but in an effort to keep this relatively short, I will simply say that I am forever in awe of these three, and I will ALWAYS have a special place for them in my heart.

3) BARBIE TURNER and everyone who came to the OC Walk to Remember:
Nine short days after Decker passed away, my sweet friend, Barbie Turner, managed to organize "Team Decker" for the OC Walk to Remember. In what I am sure she thought would be a small gathering of some of my friends/sorority sisters turned into 150+ people coming together in a sea of blue Super Decker t-shirts (which Barbie also happened to design, take orders, organize and distribute) to celebrate my son's short life. Looking back, I don't think that morning could have been anymore perfect and I am thankful to not only Barbie, but to everybody who came out to support us and Decker.  It was a humbling experience, and one that I will never forget. Thank you!

My sweet angel who taught me so much about life and love. If I never get another chance to be a mom, I know I will be just fine because in his 15 weeks of life Decker managed teach me a lifetime's worth of  invaluable lessons that I will carry with me forever.  I am so lucky the universe worked its magic and bestowed one of the most special little boys to my care. I am thankful beyond words for every moment I got to share with him. A friend from high school (you know who you are) sent me a butterfly pin with a little saying attached:
"An angel in the book of life 
wrote down your baby's birth 
And whispered
As he closed the book
Too beautiful for this earth"
That little saying makes me sob every time, but it's exactly how I think of Decker and his short life. And even though I would do anything to have Decker back in my arms, I choose to simply be grateful. I am a better human being for him gracing me with the gift of of motherhood, for getting to know his charismatic ways, and for allowing me to love every fiber of his being.

5) Last but certainly not least, KEVIN BYRNE:
My husband is most certainly the person I am most thankful for after this difficult year. After nearly 14 years together, I can say I feel like I truly know him now. That may sound strange, but I don't know if you can ever truly know someone until you have faced great adversity together (and I think an infant death qualifies). At the hospital they kept telling us that we need to seek counseling immediately because there is a super high percentage of couples that get divorced after losing a child.  I have to say, that I couldn't feel closer or more connected to Kevin through everything we've experienced. I don't think I ever truly realized the importance choosing the right person to marry until this past year. I couldn't be anymore amazed at his strength and his constant support. And no matter who I explain this past year to, the only person who will ever know what we really went through is him.  He stood beside me every step of the way and carried me when I wasn't strong enough myself. Not to mention, he was a fantastic hands-on father. Watching him with Decker in any capacity was my absolute favorite thing in the world. I love Kevin beyond words and am so exceptionally thankful that we are taking this journey of life together.

There are many other big and small things I could list, but those are my top five and a good stopping point. I know in 2013 I am looking forward to continued healing, spending time with family and good friends, and to enjoying life because it is definitely too short. I wish each and every one of you a happy and prosperous 2013!
Post Script: After my last blog post about "Fifty Shades of Grey" I am also thankful to find out there are other people out there that did not like those books. I thought I was alone in my opinion, and it's always nice to hear that you are not alone. Thank you to all who shared their opinion with me on my Facebook page. MUCH APPRECIATED!  :)