Thursday, January 10, 2013

New TV is FINALLY back and I am especially excited for the new season of the The Biggest Loser. I love this show! I could watch people work out ALL day. No seriously, I feel like I somehow burn calories through osmosis (or something) just by watching these obese people get there asses kicked. And yes, I do realize that is not how things actually work, but a girl can dream, can't she???

I know and have known many people that get completely inspired by this television program. They spend their time during the commercials of the show doing sit-ups, push ups, lunges, etc.  Oh man, I wish this show caused that same sense of dedication to working out in me. Instead it creates the exact OPPOSITE reaction. I literally find myself saying things like:
"Wow! Those people are really obese. Things could be WAY worse for me. Let's order a pizza!"
"Sure I could probably eat better and exercise more, but look at these people. I mean these last few pounds I bitch about are really just vanity pounds. Want to go get ice cream?"

You probably think the above statements are exaggerated, or that perhaps I am kidding? Ask my husband, I have literally said those statements or say something similar  almost every time I watch a new episode. Which leads me to believe it would actually be beneficial to my health to STOP watching the show. Instead I guess I should be forced to watch a Victoria Secret Fashion Show over and over again.  Perhaps I need to compare myself to emaciated super models in order to get motivated because the super obese just aren't working for me!

OK, so back to the show...sort of. You know how by the end of the show the contestants look soooo much better, but they still are kind of flabby because their skin is all stretched out from being 400 pounds? Well I have an idea for a spin-off show. How about you take people that aren't obese, but could stand to lose some "vanity" pounds. Or maybe even do a show for women who want to get in shape after having a baby.  Either way, I think it would be amaze-fest to see a show where the people end up looking smoking hot. I mean, I realize that the voting stuff would need to be tweaked, but I think it would be fun to shake things up and see the trainers with people that aren't starting from such a deep hole of unhealthiness.  Not to mention, I would TOTALLY try out for that show. And I would TOTALLY pick Jillian as a trainer because she would HATE me so much. I am such a wuss, and I need her to kick my ass. Plus, my husband is mildly in love with Jillian (somebody besides me really needs to explain to him that she is gay and will never run off with him) so he would really enjoy watching Jillian make me cry!

In any event, I will continue to watch and love every glorious minute of the show even if my health suffers.

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