Sunday, December 23, 2012

My First Blog Post!!!

Here it is folks, my very first blog post. You might be asking yourself why in the world I would start a blog (or perhaps that is just the question my husband, Kevin, asked me when I told him I was starting a blog).  It's an idea I have been kicking around in my head for a VERY long time. And as it turns out, it's been a pretty crappy year and a half in our house, and I think I am going to use this as a therapy of sorts. I have LOTS of things constantly running around in my head and I figure writing them down will give me an outlet to let it all escape. Not to mention, a blog is a heck of a lot cheaper than actual therapy.

Now that I have thoroughly scared you into thinking that this blog is going to be a constant assault of depressing topics that should be left at the couch of the therapist's office, let me assure you that this is NOT what this blog will be about.  While it will be a bit of a look into my crazy brain,  I want this blog to mostly be comprised of tried-and-true recipes, rants about things I dislike, raves about thing I love, general observations about life, crafts, parties, and updates about what's going on in the Byrne household.  I may even get political from time to time.

So if you are interested, please feel free to join me on this journey.

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